terça-feira, abril 17, 2012

On Friday, 23rd March, in the afternoon, the 7th and 8th grade students went to the IPT, on foot, to see a play called “Off with their heads”.
The characters were Queen Elizabeth I and her servant, Toilet, Sir Francis Drake and Sir Atterly Rodden.
When Sir Francis Drake and Sir Atterly Rodden came back from their explorations gave exotic foods, for example potatoes and chocolate to the Queen.
Queen Elizabeth wanted to discover the New World, so she demanded Sir Francis and Sir Atterly took her and her servant on a voyage. If not, it’s “Off with their heads”.
On their travels, they met famous conquerors like Napoleon, Boudicca, Johan of Arc and Christopher Columbus, played by the students.
The play was fantastic. I liked it very much. 

Beatriz Farinha Costa    7ºB    Nº7

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